Shawna Newsom, Graphic Designer


Hey there, meet Shawna!

She is a self taught graphic designer and web designer. She started her own Virtual Assistant business in 2020 and while learning all the new admin tasks, she fell in love with the design world and decided to shift her business into creating social media graphics, logos and websites. Shortly after quitting her full time job and starting her business, she found out she was pregnant and was so thankful she would be able to stay home with her baby and still work.

She has been working with the PFT team for almost a year now and enjoys branding the presentations, creating social media graphics and helping out with the website!

Get to know a little more about Shawna!

  • Lives in an RV full time and travels around the country for her husband's job with their two year old son and two German Shepherds. Currently living in Texas. 
  • She is the owner of Shawna Fay Virtual Assistant Services and Shawna Fay Design Studio. 
  • Her passion has always been art and design ever since she was little. 
  • Her home state is Michigan.
  • Coffee is her love language.
  • Enjoys hunting, fishing and hiking in her free time.
  • Never went to college and is self taught in everything. 
  • Went to school with her husband but never actually talked to him until 2 years after she graduated, which is crazy because there were about 300 kids in her entire school. (k-12th)
  • Loves to cook and bake.
  • Has 9 tattoos